Rural Educational Development

Education is both the means as well as the end to a better life. It is a movement from darkness to light. Without education, people get caught in the inter-generational cycles of poverty and backwardness. Seven decades have passed after independence but still, India struggles to achieve a literacy rate of over 90%. Providing quality education to all children of India should be the top priority of both the State and Central governments. And thus, the different departments of the Government of India often support charities to bring more and more children under the ambit of their education initiatives.

Human Heritage Charitable Trust was set up in 2018, as a non-profit organization working to provide and improve education in rural and urban areas.

Steps taken by Human Heritage Charitable Trust towards education are :

  • Opening, acquiring and running of Educational Institutions/Colleges for the purpose of imparting education to Pre-university Students. duly otaining the required permission of Government/ Pre-university Board.
  • To open Nursery, Primary, High schools & colleges.
  • To open Technical & Commerce institutions.
  • To open Hostels for college going Men & Women.
  • To open Hostels for Working Men & Women.
  • To print and publish books, journals on women issues and printing of educational, health charts, cards & posters.
  • To open Medical, vocational &social work educational institutions.
  • To initiate activities for promoting non-format, adult & distant education.