Community Development

The Community Development programs are aimed at helping the villages in planning and developmental activities. An important objective of Community Development programs is to make village people self-dependent and encourage them to take part in the activities of national reconstruction.

Steps taken by Human Heritage Charitable Trust towards Community Development are :

  • To work for for the eradication of caste, communal and provincial distinctions which hinder the development of healthy national life and thus to bring about the spirit of Universal brotherhood among all people.
  • To train students and youths for village development work.
  • To work for successful implementation of National programs like Primary education, Immunization, Total Literacy, Polio eradication, Population control, Forestation& Eradication of Social evils & so on.
  • Common forum of voluntary agencies, spirit of voluntarism, existing voluntary groups, local action oriented groups etc., to share their cherished ideas and thoughts which will enable to speed up the process of concerted efforts for action and transformation.
  • This organization shall not hav any affiliation to any political or religious organizations