Agriculture occupies a key position in the Indian economy because of its contribution to over-all economic growth through supplies of food, raw materials and exports. It is a source of livelihood for a majority of the population and provides a large market for non-agricultural goods and services.
The agricultural allied industries are all the small and medium enterprises that depend directly or indirectly on the activity of Agriculture. Agriculture and allied activities include agricultural products, livestock, forestry & logging, fishery.
Steps taken by Human Heritage Charitable Trust towards Agricultural Allied Activities Programmes are :
- To help the Agricultural Allied Activity sector like poultry, fisheries, sheep rearing, dairy farming, sericulture ect., by way of providing training or to guide with regard to the availability of training or making known the avenues to the entrepreneurs in relation to their requirement of technical skills.
- Preservation of cows and opening Cow Sheds.
- To organize villagers for economic self sufficiency through agricultural cattle rearing, poultry farming, dairy farming, provisions stores, marketing village industries etc.,