Development of Differently Abled

Disabilities can be physical in nature, cognitive, behavioral, or even emotional. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. People with disabilities all over the world experience human rights violations, stigma and discrimination. To have a disability means that one has fundamental difficulty accomplishing things that others take for granted.There are many social factors that can affect whether or not individuals with disabilities are included or excluded from participation on various activities, which in turn can affect development or esteem. Disability is thus just not a health problem. It is a complex phenomenon, reflecting the interaction between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which he or she lives.

Many a times, the physically and intellectually challenged get some help and guidance when they are children, but once they reach a certain age and are asked to leave the schools, they find themselves on their own with no life skills and no direction. This is where Human Heritage Charitable Trust comes in – to lend a helping hand to differently-abled adults and ensure that they live a life of dignity.

Human Heritage Charitable Trust that supports people with special needs and offers them opportunities for growth, self-reliance and independence, is accomplishing that and more.